
TOMORROW: Talk by Yoad Winter for the Presupposition reading group
Presupposition reading group, new season The presupposition reading group is resuming the meetings for this fall. The next meeting will take place ...

NLP reading group
The NLP reading group brings together people interested in Natural Language Processing/Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning for NLP. The group meets ...

StreamGram – Open Forum for Grammatical Theory
StreamGram is an Open Access resource that collects links to theoretical linguistics events in streaming : talks, lectures, conferences. If you are ...

UTL talks: Irene Fernández Serrano & Rima Ben Ayeche
On November 12th, we will host two talks by two PhD candidates who are visiting our department. Irene Fernández Serrano (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ...

Crash course in Formal Linguistics for PhDs
Crash course in Formal Linguistics for PhDs Registration deadline: 25 November We’re happy to announce a crash course in formal linguistics for all ...